I’m officially a Disneyland Custodian!

Today was our last day of training! It’s a bitter sweet feeling. It wasn’t as exciting as the other days but at least it wasn’t boring. We learned all about bio-hazard stuff and what to do if we have to clean up blood and other contaminated things.

After we were done in our lass room training we learned how to do trash in Toon Town. Let’s just say trash isn’t my favorite. It gets messy, smelly, and you’re directly in the sun without moving around too much. There’s so much to pay attention to with trash. There are 3 different kinds of trash duties (trash with bags, without bags, and recycling) plus taking it all to the back and compacting it.

Right after we got done with our first 2 trash cans we spotted our first code v and had to clean it up. It was pretty gross but at least we got to do it together on training instead of by ourselves for the first time tomorrow!

Obviously we don’t get as much guest interaction but we do get a little here and there. Mostly people ask for a map, directions, or the parade time. Today I answered 2 questions wrong, oops. #imstillnew One person asked what time the second parade was and even though I got that right, I told them the wrong direction the parade was headed in so I chased them back down to tell them the correct information since I felt bad haha. Another kid asked if there was a height requirement for Roger Rabbit and I said that there actually wasn’t a height requirement for anything in Toon Town. For some reason at that moment I got Toon Town and Fantasy land mixed up. There is no height requirement in fantasy land but in Toon Town at the Gadgets Go Coaster there is a height requirement. At least he was mainly asking about Roger Rabbit which has no height requirement.

Tomorrow is my first day of being on the job “by myself.” I mean there will be plenty of custodians to ask questions if I have one but for the most part I’ll be by myself. I hope I do okay without a trainer to shadow me!

You can find me in Adventure/Frontier land tomorrow doing trash. Our trainers said that for new cast members leads usually go easy on you your first couple of shifts so they might have me doing something else, which I will gladly take!! Either way tomorrow is the start of a new chapter for me being out on my own and learning new things myself. I can’t wait to bring a smile to Adventure/Frontier land and create some happiness!

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