Working is Playing

Tonight I had a utility shift, which I was honestly kind of bummed about because I knew I couldn’t create magic since the park closed early and then I was backstage. To my dismay, I not only got to create a little magic, but I had magic made for me too! Tonight was one of the best nights working in Disneyland!

The first place we go to clean is Aladdin’s Oasis (the small place where they showed an Aladdin show, but is now just a rest area and meet and greet place). As soon as I got there I found a phone just laying on the ground! I got kind of excited because I had spotted it and I’ve never found a guest’s valuable to take to City Hall. When I took it to City Hall, the lady told me the guest was in earlier looking for it, so I was glad I could make the guest happy by getting her phone back to her that day instead of someone finding it tomorrow. I had always wanted to go into the Chambers of Wonders (the big Lion’s head), and guess what! We got to go in! It lead to the back stage area of the Jungle Cruise and we got to clean the deck.

Once we were done, our lead told us to sweep all of Adventure land so we did and I even got to sweep some of Tarzan’s Tree House. After that is when the real adventure started. After we cleaned the Indiana Jones queue for a short while, the lead closing the ride started talking to us so I asked if we could get a tour and he said yes! We got to walk through the entire time as they pointed out awesome hidden things to us. We saw one of the skeletons wearing Mickey ears with the name “Bones” on them and we saw a skull with a bronze Tinker Belle on top. When we got to the end, the lead told us how the cars literally can’t move back, so instead the walls move back when Indiana says “Wa-hoo, back up!”. This tour made my entire program! It was so nice of the two Indiana workers to do that for us, they could have just said goodbye and went home but they took out an extra 15 minutes of their time to make some magic for us, even though we were still on the clock.

When we finished with the walk though we finished cleaning the queue and I finally got to see the hidden Eeyore sign in the top back of the Indiana Jones queue. After making sure the queue was nice and clean, we headed over to Main Street to dust all the tall things down the street like the awnings and windows. Once we were finished with that, we had a break and that was it for the rest of the evening. We didn’t do anything else except sit around. Hey, I’m not complaining, if that’s what my lead says, then I’ll do it!;)


I got some awesome pictures on my way out tonight!:)

beth 2

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