Parade and Haunted Mansion!

Last night I got to do parade pre-clean up and post-clean up again, which I enjoy since I can pretty much be on Main Street talking to guests and pin trading until the park closes. I got to hand out some buttons and take pictures again. At the end of the night I even got to watch the Mickey and the Magical Map performers practice while I was on break. Not only that, but as we cleaned up we helped with utility things and got to watch the parade floats go back from Main Street to Small World (no characters were on the floats but it was still pretty cool). I also got to hear and see them testing out the music and projection lights for Mickey’s Halloween Party.

I forgot to blog about the previous day too! Not much happened since I just worked a utility shift when the park closed, but something that I thought was cool was getting to vacuum the Haunted Mansion Portrait Hallway. The HM was having a private tour for those Cast Members working in Critter Country/New Orleans so when they were done we got to go in with the lights on and clean up. It may not be extremely exciting, but I enjoy getting to see things from points of view that normal guests don’t get to see. While we were waiting, me and my two other co-workers got to just hang out down in the basement of HM as they told me some creepy stories they’ve heard about HM and Disneyland in general. One story they told me was that the little end table that Madame Leota is on was given to Disneyland as a gift specifically for the Haunted Mansion. The women (or family) that gave them the table actually practiced witchcraft and she said that if the table is removed from the attraction, bad things will happen. So that is like the only thing still there since the attraction opened. Other things will be replaced and moved in and out of the attraction, but that will never leave! Crazy, huh? I love hearing these stories that people wouldn’t normally hear about. In October I’ll get the chance to have a tour of the Haunted Mansion and I’m so excited to be able to see and hear more about the attraction!

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